

Note: This is an automatic translation of the original German text. You can read the original German version here.

A meditative, stylish light object

The LavaFrame was created in a weekend hackathon together with Thomas Smits based on an IKEA picture frame, 169 RGB LEDs and an ESP32.


The source code is freely available in the LavaFrame GitHub repository.

If you want to recreate the lava frame: Make magazine has written a detailed step-by-step guide on how to do this.

The Picture Frame

The basis is a "Sannahed" picture frame of the size 25x25cm.

LavaFrame: IKEA Rahmen

The internal structure

LavaFrame: Schichten des LavaFrame


The picture frame is lit up by 169 RGB LEDs, arranged in a 13x13 matrix. Due to the serial wiring of the LEDs, the layout is clear and only needs to be connected to the ESP32 with 3 cables.

LavaFrame: LED Matrix

LavaFrame: Matrix Verkabelung

LavaFrame: LED Matrix Zoom

A diffusion layer to scatter the LED light

In the first tests, the individual LEDs were still too clearly visible.

LavaFrame: Erste Version Pixel sichtbar

After some experiments with different diffusion materials and different distances to the LEDs, the first good results of the optical effect became apparent.

LavaFrame: Diffusionstest 5

LavaFrame: Diffusionstest 1

Wiring and buttons

The wiring is quite clear and only needs to connect the ESP32 to the buttons, the USB port, the light sensor and the LEDs.

LavaFrame: Elektronik

All connections and buttons are permanently installed in the frame.

LavaFrame: Rahmen bohren

Assignment of the buttons

Button Status Action
A Press To the next animation
A Hold Switch between slideshow and single animation
B Press Rotate animations by 90°
B Hold Adjust Brightness

Update (9/2023): Version 2.0

In the meantime, there is an improved version of the LavaFrame, which is based on a ready-to-use LED matrix. This saves time during assembly, but above all enables a higher resolution of 16x16 instead of 13x13 LEDs. The originally used picture frame is a little too big, but that doesn't bother you due to the distance to the diffusion plane.

LavaFrame Version 2.0

More impressions

LavaFrame Scene

LavaFrame: Test Werkstatt 1

LavaFrame Wall

LavaFrame: Test Werkstatt 2

LavaFrame: LavaFrame Scene

LavaFrame Wall

Tags: ESP32 , LavaFrame , NeoPixel , DIY , LED , Arduino , Hackathon

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